In order to provide safe and secure internet presence services to each and every account holder ("Client"), JEAH Communications, LLC ("JEAH")
states the following policies and procedures. These policies may be periodically updated at this web address without prior notice, and it is
the responsibility of Client to be informed of the current version. By submitting an order, acceptance or use of JEAH services, Client is
bound to the terms set forth in this document.
JEAH makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, for services provided or agreed to be provided. JEAH makes no guarantee to access
of any third-party network, service, or website. JEAH will not be responsible for any damages Client may suffer. JEAH disclaims any
responsibility to loss of data resulting from failed hardware, human error, or service interruptions caused by JEAH or its related providers.
JEAH reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless JEAH from any and all claims or causes of action of any kind or nature, arising out of or
related to Client's use of services provided by JEAH, as well as all claims or causes of action of any kind or nature brought by any third
party or any of Client's own customers.
Client is defined as the person listed on the initial order for JEAH service. Account is to be used by Client only. Client is responsible for
activity in Client account. Client may not resell, trade, or give away partial/full access to account without expressed permission from JEAH.
JEAH may suspend or terminate Client service due to violation of terms set forth in this document. In the event of termination, no refund will
be provided and all files, e-mail, and other account items will become property of JEAH and subject to destruction. Violations which are
unlawful are reported to the appropriate authorities.
All sales are final. Because Client account can be utilized in so many ways within the first few seconds of activation, JEAH cannot provide a
refund of any kind for any reason. The only exception lies within the first 12 hours of account activation, is less setup fees, and only
applicable if account has been used in a way that complies with all terms defined in this document. For this instance, Client must terminate
service via email to billing@JEAH.net or by calling 708.872.JEAH within 12 hours of the timestamp on the account activation email. Client
cancellation after initial 12 hours of service, for any reason, will not entitle Client to any refund, because after 12 hours all sales are
final. Cancellation notice must be sent via email to billing@JEAH.net.
Client may not:
- run greater than allotted processes
- utilize greater than 1% CPU/RAM per process
- run processes specifically not allowed in account type (IE: running an IRCD process in a standard account)
- run webcams, shoutcast servers, peer-to-peer file transfer programs, any type of game server, or any other process that utilitzes an unreasonable amount of bandwidth or system resources, without expressed permission
- operate proxies other than bouncers for IRC (IE: FTP or HTTP), without expressed permission
- bind to IP addresses/hostnames not assigned to account or listed as public virtual hosts
- establish more than two (2) connections through a bouncer, without expressed permission
- invoke crontab more than once every 10 minutes (IE: setting crontab to run every minute to check if a process is alive)
- entice/invite denial of service attacks or receive denial of service attacks frequently
- launch, or attempt to launch, denial of service attacks
- place bots on servers which specifically deny bots
- operate spawned mech, xdcc, war or takeover bots
- engage in activity that otherwise violates the AUP of another provider (IE: IRC ban evasion, IRC harassment)
- "hack" or "crack"
- port scan
- store or distribute copyrighted, pirated, or adult material
- send unsolicitied commercial advertisements
Client agrees to use account only for lawful purposes. Any use, or attempted use, that violates any local, state, federal, or international law constitutes
unlawful. Any legal disputes will be argued in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, United States of America or the home location of Client, at JEAH's discretion.
Client agrees that if his account type carries a specific monthly allotment of bandwidth, any overusage will be billed at $5/GB.
REGARDING NEW CREDIT CARD ORDERS: Residents of the US will receive a telephone call within 24 hours to voice-verify and confirm orders. Residents of countries outside of the US must scan the front and back of their credit card, and scan the front and back of a government-issued photo identification card or passport. The scans must be e-mailed to billing@JEAH.net within 24 hours. There are no exceptions to the preceding verification methods.
JEAH only accepts payment in US dollars ($XXUS).
JEAH welcomes payment by MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover credit or debit card. Card charges posted after January 2nd, 2017 appear as "JEAH - FYNE" on the statement or transaction history. Prior charges appear
as "JEAH Communications, LLC". JEAH accepts payment by check, money order, ACH bank debit (also known as an electronic debit or eCheck), PayPal, and Western Union transfer. Checks may be converted to an electronic debit (ACH).
During a check conversion, "JEAH - FYNE" will be shown as the payee. Otherwise, checks and money orders are endorsed by "JEAH Communications, LLC". Payment via PayPal or a third-party such as Western Union are billed
independently under the terms of your agreement with that provider.
JEAH does not store credit card or other personal information on publicly-accessible servers. Any identifying information is encrypted in a
cipher strength that exceeds industry standards.
All accounts are established on a pre-pay basis. All pricing is guaranteed for the term of pre-payment. It is the responsibility of Client to
periodically check prices, as they may be periodically adjusted by JEAH.
If Client chooses to pay via credit/debit card, JEAH will automatically renew Client account every payment period until a termination request
is received. In order to prevent auto-renewal a termination request must be received by JEAH no later than three (3) business days prior to
account due date. If Client is unsure of their due date, JEAH will provide clarification upon request. If Client credit/debit card is declined
or returns AVS mismatch during renewal, Client account will be considered in non-payment status. Client will be notified and is provided three
(3) business days to rectify the default. If unresolved, Client account will be temporarily disabled. If no cure has been made following ten
(10) total (not business) days of notification, Client account will be terminated. All files, e-mail, and other account items will become
property of JEAH and subject to destruction. *JEAH may temporarily extend the time period for resolution if extraordinary circumstances
warrant, as requested by Client.
If Client chooses to pay via personal/company check, cashier/bank check, Western Union, wire transfer, PayPal or money order, Client must
submit payment on or before account due date to renew service. If no payment has been received following three (3) business days of due
date, Client account will be disabled. If no payment has been received following ten (10) total (not business) days of
due date, Client account will be terminated. All files, e-mail, and other account items will become property of JEAH
and subject to destruction. *JEAH may temporarily extend Client due date if extraordinary circumstances warrant, as requested by Client.
In the event of a returned check or credit/debit card chargeback or dispute, JEAH will demand immediate payment of the initial base amount plus
a returned check/chargeback fee, within three (3) business days, in the form of a money order or cashier/bank check. The current returned
check/chargeback fee is $35US. Other applicable legal fees may be levied if warranted.
Client is responsible for all amounts owed on account from the date it was established to the date it is terminated by Client request or by JEAH. Unpaid amounts are referred to our contracted collection agency.
Last update: January, 2017. Contact: legal@JEAH.net.