This is a complete walkthrough of the last level. There are maps and everything, but you shouldn't be reading this unless you are actually stuck in level 9, I don't want to give any information away.


Once you have the flippers, you can finally cross the moat into North Castle. There are a couple houses inside it's walls, but nothing especially useful. One is a gambling hall and the other is an overpriced shop.

There is a third house, and this is where you have to go. There is a two-screen room when you enter, and then a normal sized room. This second room is where you cannot pass without the full triforce.

Going up from there will take you back outside on the north edge of the building (behind the fence). Walk pretty much anywhere and you will trigger the wall to the west opening up, and you can now go farther into the walls. There you'll find the door leading in.

First of all, I will point out the warps. There are three floors, and you can get to each one from the first floor by going to the left or to the right of the entrance. You have to unlock these warps from the other side, so you need to find the warp on the floor to go back to it. They are obvious, once you find a path of lighter tiles near the stairs, follow it to find the warp.

Second, you should know to fill up on potions before coming here, but you will also need bait on the second floor (yes this is the only dungeon you need bait for).

Last you should know that each floor is completely separate from the others. There are no stairs leading from one to the other except at the end of a floor. You will not need to go from one floor to another and back again to do anything. Each floor is like a separate dungeon with its own map compass and boss key.

Floor 1:
North Castle 1F Map

Start out by going north one screen, where you can get the compass. Go west for two screen to get a key, and then four screen to the east is another. Go back west two screens to where you got the compass.

North one more through the locked door is a similar situation, only a little harder. Go west once to get one key, and then two to the east to get another. Head west one screen to get back to the center room.

Go north again, and you will find a map. The boss door is to the north, and a locked door is to the west, but you should go east through the shutters.

Head north one screen, and then east to find a key, and west to get back.

Then north and east and you will find another room with a puzzle. If you push the wrong blocks you won't be able to get the key. Push the first block down. Then move the blocks on the north side to get through the next layer. Now go back to the south for the next layer. Continue on the southern half, being careful not to push a block onto the lowered tile, and you'll be able to get the key. Head back to the west out of this room.

North one screen, and then east one you will find another key behind a maze of pushblocks. Get it and go back west.

Go north one last time, and east to find a key beyond some moving traps. Then go west three times to get one more.

You should head back the way you came a ways, so go east twice and south four times.

East through the locked door is a puzzle you can come back to. Go south through another locked door, then east and south through the next two. There you will finally find the master sword. Now go back to that puzzle by going north west and north.

Start out by pushing the blocks just to the left of the door you just came through so you can push a block right onto the trigger. Now go to the top right and push a block left onto the new trigger. Next go to the top left and push some blocks so you can push one right onto the new one. Directly left of the shutter leading east, push the block left then push one up, and then left onto the tile. You can then easily find the way to push a block onto the final trigger.

Now you can go east from the puzzle room and collect a key there. Two screen north of that is another key, and one screen north from there is one more.

Next get back to the room with the boss door. You can quit and continue, or go south three times then west three times.

Go west through the locked door. Then you can go north three times, and east to get a key. Now go west and south three times to get back.

Head west, and then you should go south west and south through three locked doors. There you will find the gold suit. Go back north east and north.

Next you can head west, then north through the locked door. Keep following the path by going north and then west through the locked door. North and east of that, and you will find another locked door leading north. Go through that and you will be fighting five heads of a fire gleeok for the boss key.

With the boss key get back to the boss door. You can either quit continue and go north three screens, or you can go south west south east south south and east twice.

Through the boss door to the north, you will have to fight two death knights as your final challenge on this floor. Go north from there and you will find the stairs leading up to the second floor.

Floor 2:
North Castle 2F Map

The second floor is thankfully smaller, but be sure to buy some bait before going through. South from the start is the warp leading to the first floor (make sure you step on the trigger on the other side to unlock it). North from the start there is an expensive shop where you can buy health magic and bombs.

Now, from the start go east one room, and you will find a key (last normal key in the game).

Next go either north east and south, or south east and north to get to the room with the map.

Go east through the shutter, and then south through the locked door. South one last time will bring you to a room with some traps and pushblocks.

Now the guide splits up a little. If you have the magical key then skip the next line, if you do not then skip over the following one.

There are many locked doors, but no more keys. This is just to make it easier if you have the magical key. Head south and west first. If you want the compass, it's south and west again, and then east and north. Now go north, west, south, west and west to another room with a locked door leading west and open doorways on the other three sides. Next go south, west, north, west and finally north. Remember to skip the next line.

This is much easier with the magical key. You don't have to deal with a single set of shutters or anything. Go west, south and west. You can get the compass in the room to the south if you want but come back to this room if you do. Next go north, and then west four times. Much better than the alternative.

This room has an open doorway to the north, but don't let it fool you. You have to kill the ghoma in this room in order to get the boss key. If you have lost the ability to use your weapons, there are re-enabling bubbles in the room to the north.

Next, head north twice, and then through the boss door leading east. Give the goriya your bait, and you will never need to buy bait ever again.

Go north and then east, and then south twice. The boss of this floor is a patra, and once you beat it you can head west to find the stairs up to the third floor.

Floor 3:
North Castle 3F Map

The third floor is pretty simple. It consists of two sections, one on the left and one on the right.

You start out by getting the map. Go north east and south twice.

Follow the path of light tiles to the west and go through the portal. Unlock the part on the first floor and then go back up to the third.

Go east then south, back to the overworld. Go east one screen and into the doorway there.

You'll get the compass here, and keep an eye on where you end up. From this point on, it's a series of bosses.

Go east and you will find a room full of various types of wizzrobes. Be careful of the wind ones, and take them all out in order to procede.

Next go north one screen. Here you will face two fire gleeoks with 8 heads total. You should be able to finish them off without too much of a problem now that you have the last sword and armor.

Now head west. A patra 3 is waiting to confront you, and once again it shouldn't be too hard. Be sure to use all your tricks to finish him off.

Go north and you will finally get to fight Ganon. He is not difficult so you should make short work of him and collect his triforce.

Now you can finally go east, and you will find Zelda waiting. You should know what to do. Right?

credits and whatnot Hear the story of what happens next now that you have beaten level 9.

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