Legend of Zelda: The Nine Villages v0.9 Before you start, there are a few things you should know about the quest: Hyrule is divided up into sections, each with their own title over the map. The overworld is pretty large, and might remind you of something. There is a world map, with 36 warp points connecting it with the overworld (I said it was large). You must enter the world map through the overworld portal to unlock the portal leading to the overworld, so you can only get to places you have already been using the world map. Every bombable rock in the overworld is obvious, but only some of the burnable bushes are. Neither bombs nor your own fire will hurt you, though. There are 8 main levels, 8 mini-levels, 4 optional dungeons, 3 (optional) fairy dungeons, and level 9. Each main level (Lvl-1 - Lvl-8) contains one heart container (HC) and two items (more bombs count as an item). The old man will give you some advice at the beginning of each level, and you will see Zelda at the end of the level telling you what to do next. Each mini-level (ML-1 - ML-8) contains one heart container piece (HCP) (note: ML-1 contains a HC instead since you only start out with two) and one item. Some mini-levels will take the form of a dungeon while others will be a cave, and one is a section of overworld. There is often advice given at the beginning and end of each minilevel. Level 9 is made up of three floors. There are unlockable portals between the entrance and the beginning of each floor, so when you beat a floor, you can always get to it from the entrance of the dungeon. The first floor contains the last two items in the game. Each optional dungeon (O-1 - O-4) will have at least one item (only O-1 has two), with a HCP for the boss guarding each item. You had better go through the first two dungeons or you will be at a serious disadvantage, but the second two are entirely up to you. Each fairy dungeon (F-1 - F-3) is located near an above ground fairy spring. Each one contains a magic spell and a Magic Container (MC) instead of a HCP for beating the boss. Each of the nine towns has one HCP either hidden inside it (usually easy to find), or in an area you can only get to from the town that has no enemies (somebody in the town will give a hint). If you get lost in the Lost Woods, blow the whistle to open a portal to the beginning. The Lost Woods is a very confusing place in this game. If you need further help, I wrote a detailed walkthrough that will not only take you through the game, but will also help you find all of the items and heart container pieces. http://www.jeah.net/~obakesan/9villages/ If this link does not work, look on www.purezc.net/forums/ for a new link. Any bugs should be reported via forum private message (or forum thread) to obake-san on www.purezc.net. The latest version of the quest will always be posted on purezc's website, and if you got this quest elsewhere, check there to make sure you have the latest version (and lots of other stuff). Enjoy obake-san